Home > Latest News > March 2021: A sad news , the death of Ajit Sarkar
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Ajit Sarkar has left us suddenly on March 4th 2021 in Paris. Ajit had founded, with his wife Selvi, Vellai Thamarai in 2006, and the School in 2008. He has been the President of both Indian and French Associations from their start.

His family members, all the ones who have known him, who have received his teaching, who have worked with him are in deep sorrow. Their feelings of admiration and gratitude are profound. His work in India and France continue in the spirit of and as per the founding principles.

Two events will  pay tribute to him, a cremation ceremony on March 16th 2021 in Clamart (92) and a meditation on March 17th 2021 at Centre Soleil d’Or (Paris 14).
Due to the sanitary situation very few people can be present those two days.
We provide you the links that will allow you to join the two ceremonies directly online.

Funeral in Clamart Crematorium
Broadcast of Tuesday March 16th 2021 ceremony, 3.00pm-3.30pm (Paris time)


Meditation at Centre Soleil d’Or
Broadcast of Wednesday March 17th 2021 ceremony, 3.00pm-3.30pm (Paris time)


Wholeheartedly united with all who have known him.
Vellai Thamarai Office France