At the General Assembly of May 13th 2023, Vellai Thamarai France launched the release of the book ”Le Yoga selon Ajit Sarkar, Manuel de pratique” (in French). This much expected publication meets the wishes of many students and teachers.
Apart the transmission of his yoga teaching, the work gathers very precious and valuable insights on the exceptional human being that was Ajit Sarkar.
For those who had the chance to know him, one finds through the pages his simplicity, his depth and his wisdom.
The publication was financed by La Federation Yoga Ayurveda (FYA).
The sale price is 25 € , for the benefit of Vellai Thamarai School.
To know the points of sale, methods of payment or the procedure for delivery by mail, please send and inquiry to : evenementsvtf@gmail.com